More Pics – Paris, France

I kept running my camera battery flat in Paris.  So many pics.  Here’s a bunch more of them.

(There are so many beautiful artifacts from the ancient world in the Louvre.  Some of them remind you what a prudish age we live in now.)


(A pallid mediaeval lady.)

(Up close and personal with Michelangelo’s slave.)

(Did I mention Le Louvre is le huge..?)

(Thankfully not all the statuary is of noble and poetic subjects.)

(The toilets in The Louvre are also a study in human savagery.)

(Le Louvre.)

(Pan in the park.)

(Le Pantheon.)

(One of the massive feet of that tower.)

(…and the ticket booths… then u line up again to climb the stairs!)

(Apartments near L’ Hotel de Ville – Paris Town Hall.)

(The Metro.)

>> Check out the Paris album !
>> Read more about France.


Le WTF?? - Paris, France
Strasbourg, France