Cooking a Kangaroo

Half way up the track we meet Tank, on his ATV.
“Looks like good eating” he comments, peering at the roo between the folds of the tarp. “I’ll give you a ride to the top if there’s a burger in it for me…”

Learning the Alphabet – VIDEO

Nicky waves his arms and yells something Bulgarian at the driver.   The driver brakes.   He doesn’t have a choice.   Nicky is blocking the road.   As soon as the van slows down, Nicky is at the side window, bellowing.   The van accelerates and drives away down the motorway ramp…

So Tired. So Angry.

“Listen man, you got me at the wrong time. Normally I would try and have a conversation with you about this but I just hit my head really hard on the bathroom door frame, and I have no patience for your stupidity right now…”

Hungarian Salami

“It was called Hungarian salami, but… Australian salami is not so good. We have all kinds of different ones but they all taste kind of the same.”
Pasti frowns and nods. “You must try some real Hungarian sausage…”