
  How can you hitchhike in this day and age?   Aren’t you afraid of being murdered?  This is the question I get asked all the time by people who pick me up. The first time a lady stopped for me, I nearly fell over. She was about my 5th ride ever, years ago now. Everything…


  Being an argumentative bastard can really get you places.   Don‘t get me started on religion..! Its really helpful as a traveler to be a talker, isn’t it? A lot of people who pick up hitchhikers are looking for some company, or have something to get off their chests, and need a good listener.…

Kulture – Malaysia

  Part of the excitement of travelling is sharing culture. You get to learn about another world, and you also sometimes get to share some of your own culture with the people you meet overseas. I got a ride one morning from a pair of very young acne crusted lads who were driving a van…

Newbie – Sydney, Australia

  …”That’s Belanglo State Forest isnt it?”, he muses out loud. He glances over at me with a “did i say that out loud or just think it” sort of expression on his face, and theres a tense silence for a few moments as we both stare out the windshield.  For a few seconds the…