New Year Breakdown – Springbrook, Australia

“When I was eighteen, I just went off and travelled… I didn’t have anybody watching me, or criticising me. I didn’t really have any money, but it didn’t seem to matter. People were so helpful and generous. My family reported me as a missing person. The police saw my truck parked in the street. They were like: ‘why don’t you call your mum? She’s worried about you.”

Doqaholic – Chiang Mai, Thailand

  Great name for a venue.  Doqaholic.   Lookmo would feel right at home here. Anna is a cat-aholic, but she comes along to jam with me anyway. No seriously, she is. Anna has three official felines as well as countless strays and randoms she pets every night when we are walking around Chiang Mai.…

Arty Jam – Chiang Mai, Thailand

“…Now this is good art. You can see what the fuck the picture is about” he huffs. “The political themes in the abstract work are interesting though” I venture. “Sure. Politics. Well that’s another thing. I almost got shut down twice in the last few months. I hung some work that someone didn’t like, and…

Turning Forty

…As we ease ourselves into Paris, we are somehow infused with the romantic atmosphere.  It’s really true, that sexy reputation Paris has.  There is an atmosphere of repressed passion, especially after dark, when couples stroll together in leather jackets, embracing tightly and kissing long and deep… Flash back: July 2013. My wife and I are…

Underground – Hat Yai, Thailand

…I wake up at eight, after two hours sleep, mouth tasting of cigarettes and hung over as fuck.  (Ever had a morning like this?  I’m sure you can relate.)  All I want to do is crawl into a hole in the ground.  It’s my lucky day today because crawling into a hole in the ground…

Playing with Cannabis – Krabi, Thailand

Joe picks me up on his scooter and we head out to the band’s share house in Krabi’s outer suburbs. The guys all live in two small rooms, and the third room is set up as a make-shift studio. Joe’s little brother is the producer and operates the computer. We sit on the tiled floor, playing and singing. It is just too much fun…

Spray Tan and Soldiers – Krabi, Thailand

…We read on the interweb that the generals have officially admitted that what is going on is a coup d’etat. A 10 PM curfew is in effect, apparently, and Thailand’s elected leaders have been cordially invited, by the generals, to report to an army barracks at their convenience. All over Thailand tourists are freaking out:…