Rough Riding – Chiang Mai, Thailand

…My left knee jams under the accelerator grip, and the next thing I know, I’ve lost power, lost my balance and I’m toppling, slowly and gracelessly toward the ground. A group of monks are laughing at me uproariously.  I pick myself up with Buddhist humility, and ride slowly and carefully out the temple gate… Flashback:…

Oh Shit! – Houay Xai, Laos

…Some time in the next few minutes I am going to shit.  If I don’t find a suitably private place to do it, it is going to happen in my pants, and I know from experience that when you feel this sort of urgency in the tropics, the results are usually liquid, and that means…

A Dire Warning – M’Hamid, Morocco

  In the desert, any bar is a good bar, but you don’t get to choose your drinking companions…   I step into the shade of the “La Boussole” bar and collapse gratefully onto a couch beside the dining table.  Outside, in M’hamid, the temperature is living up to the Sahara’s reputation. (Above: watering holes…