Ring My Bell

…Before you moved in there was druggies running a meth’ lab in that place. There were hookers turning tricks in there, fights, non stop fucking problems. I had to call the cops one night ’cause this guy climbed my fence and fell asleep in my back yard…” I lived in Redfern for a while, in…

A Surfer – Ulladulla, Australia

…I am woken by crunching gravel.  I blink into the blinding beam of a powerful flashlight. Oh, sorry mate.  Didn’t realise you were sleeping in there, says a nervous young voice.  The flashlight beam moves off my face, and I see an embarrassed looking young cop, with his hand still hovering over his gun holster……

The Killer – Eden, Australia

…It sounds like your car is having many problems, says Horst. Yeah, I love her but she’s a fuckin’ piece of shit, says the driver, and cracks open another beer on the dashboard.  Couldn’t get her through rego’ last time.  So if you see any coppers, fuckin’ let me know.  Bastards busted me driving without…