Get Clean!


How to wash your filthy, stinky clothes when you’re on the road (and not waste $ on laundromats!):

1. Get a sturdy plastic bag and put all your dirty clothes in it.

2. Find a nice public toilet with a hand soap dispenser (the best one’s are in swanky shopping centres).

3. Fill up the plastic bag with water in the basin.

4. Squirt some of that free hand soap into the mix.

5. Give your gear a good wash and rinse.

6. Wring that shit out (twist, twist, twist!) and hang it up in the sun.

7. Smell nice for a change! ;-)

It’s good to have a bit of strong string handy as a clothes line.
As you can see from the picture, all my clothes are dark coloured. I don’t want my clothes line attracting attention to my camp site, like a flag!

Smell you later! ;-)

>> Check out the Raw Safari Top 9 Low-Budget Adventure Tips!
>> What do you really need? Learn how to pack your bag for adventure!

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