Ring My Bell

…Before you moved in there was druggies running a meth’ lab in that place. There were hookers turning tricks in there, fights, non stop fucking problems. I had to call the cops one night ’cause this guy climbed my fence and fell asleep in my back yard…” I lived in Redfern for a while, in…

New Year Breakdown – Springbrook, Australia

“When I was eighteen, I just went off and travelled… I didn’t have anybody watching me, or criticising me. I didn’t really have any money, but it didn’t seem to matter. People were so helpful and generous. My family reported me as a missing person. The police saw my truck parked in the street. They were like: ‘why don’t you call your mum? She’s worried about you.”

A Surfer – Ulladulla, Australia

…I am woken by crunching gravel.  I blink into the blinding beam of a powerful flashlight. Oh, sorry mate.  Didn’t realise you were sleeping in there, says a nervous young voice.  The flashlight beam moves off my face, and I see an embarrassed looking young cop, with his hand still hovering over his gun holster……

Newbie – Sydney, Australia

  …”That’s Belanglo State Forest isnt it?”, he muses out loud. He glances over at me with a “did i say that out loud or just think it” sort of expression on his face, and theres a tense silence for a few moments as we both stare out the windshield.  For a few seconds the…